
The latest news! As up to date as possible!

2nd June 2005: MP3 Interview

A fantastic one hour MP3 interview with Marina Sirtis can be found at I highly recommend it, Marina talks about wanting to do theatre work in London, which is wonderful news for UK fans! She also discusses how she will probably work with Shadowland Productions again, the film company who made Spectres, and that will be on the Lifetime channel in the U.S. sometime this month. Marina talks about the highlight of her career, appearing at the Royal Albert Hall, how she was going to have an arranged marriage, she hates the internet and much much more!

15th May 2005: Various News

The Enterprise has now aired in the U.S. Various reviews can be found online but I prefer to wait until it is shown in the U.K. in August. Why do other countries have to be so behind in getting U.S. TV shows?!

Apparently Marina is only in Crash for literally a few seconds, but I still want to see it!

Also, Marina's Official Forum has been replaced with a new one. I like it, but all previous content has been lost. This means any links on news items below no longer work.

Click for Official Marina Sirtis Forums

22nd April 2005: Image from Enterprise Finale

An image is now available from the Enterprise finale featuring Marina and Jonathan! I can't wait to see this episode, hopefully someone in America will be able to record it for me when it's shown! The rumours I spoke about last month are in fact true, it seems. Parts of the Enterprise Finale are set during Pegasus, a season 7 TNG episode!

There is also a hilarious TV Guide on-set interview with Marina and Jonathan, you must read it!

You can read the interview HERE.

Image Source: SCI-FI UNIVERSE WEBSITE, HERE. (There are no more with Marina, two more with Jonathan.)

13th March 2005: Lots of News!

Sorry about the delay in posting these pieces of news!

I am very excited about Marina returning to Star Trek once more, even though it is Enterprise and I'm not a fan. But she's appearing with Jonathan Frakes and I bet Marina's going to enjoy that. The current likely rumour is that it's set on the Enterprise-D, and Riker's running a holodeck programme about the previous Enterprise. Quite odd that it wouldn't be set after Nemesis and Marina and Jonathan would have to appear younger for their roles. But this rumour may not be 100% true, we'll see, still very exciting, yay!

Marina's brother and his wife have had a baby boy, making Marina an Auntie, aw!
Source: This page of Marina's Official Forum

And, Marina is in a film soon to be released in the U.S. entitled Crash. It's going to be having a cinematic release, and it stars Sandra Bullock, Matt Dillon, Thandie Newton and Ryan Phillippe. It's a small role, going on what I've heard, but it'll be wonderful to see Marina in a non-Trek big screen role! Here's the plot outline: A Brentwood housewife and her DA husband. A Persian store owner. Two police detectives who are also lovers. An African-American television director and his wife. A Mexican locksmith. Two car-jackers. A rookie cop. A middle-aged Korean couple... They all live in Los Angeles. And during the next 36 hours, they will all collide...
Source: This page of IMDb

30th October 2004: Marina's Next Film

A film entitled The Lesser of Three Evils now appears on Marina's IMDb filmography
(CLICK HERE). There is very little information about it on the internet. But there is a collection of what info there is HERE.

30th October 2004: Spectres Update

Sorry this news is a month old, but certainly deserves a place on here, Marina won an award!

"The ghost story feature film SPECTRES, starring STAR TREK actress Marina Sirtis ('Deanna Troi') and Linda Park ('Hoshi Sato'), garnered two top awards at the recent Shockerfest Film Festival. The horror movie, directed by Phil Leirness was named Best Science Fiction Feature and Sirtis was named Best Actress. She plays a workaholic mom caught up in supernatural circumstances. Her husband died several years ago and after her daughter's suicide attempt, she decides to take her away from it all for a few weeks. While on holiday her daughter comes into contact with a strange young man who keep vanishing into thin air. Sirtis called the film "a good story, well acted".

The festival took place between 24 and 26 September in Modesto, California and featured science fiction and horror films from various countries, including Japan, the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada and the United States.

A theatrical release now looks unlikely, but the movie is scheduled for a domestic video release next year."


The Spectres page on IMDb (CLICK HERE) now has a review and some links.

Above image from THIS page, also containing lots of info on the film's production.

25th September 2004: UK Appearance

Short notice I know, but I only just found out. It's next weekend at Collectormania 6 in Milton Keynes, here in England. Also appearing are Brent Spiner and Michael Dorn. And guests from Buffy, Star Wars, James Bond.

Source: Click on logo to go to the Website.
(Update: Once you're at Collectormania's website, click on Image gallery to see a photo of Marina at this event.)

30th May 2004: Walking on Water

According to Internet Movie Database, Walking on Water has a US release on 20th August, I do not know whether this is theatrical, when it is available to TV networks or it's a DVD release.
There is an Offical Website, which has a fantastic trailer! No other content yet. Click Poster on the right to go to the Official Website and see the trailer, Quicktime or Flash version.

Source: Internet Movie Database

30th May: Spectres

The Official Spectres website has been updated with more photos and trailer! Click on the poster to visit the website!

Gloria's Website HERE has great images from the film!

30th January 2004: Various Marina News

Marina will be featured in a new film titled Crash which also stars Brendan Fraser, Sandra Bullock and Don Cheadle.
This is a mainstream film, but it will only be a small part for Marina from what I've heard. Still great news, Marina is keeping very busy at the moment! "She plays a Muslim, or Hindu, or something. Can't remember what, I just know she has to wear head gear and was saying it was far away from anything she's ever played before."

Spectres World Premiere will be at the London Sci-Fi Festival on February 1. The American premiere will be at Cinequest in San Jose in March.

Marina will makeover a fan for a new show called Head to Toe on Lifetime TV. The fan has already been chosen.

There's no news of when this will air yet. It sounds fun, Marina doing a makeover on a Trekkie!


23rd December 2003: UK Appearance in May

Marina shall be appearing at the London Expo on the 15th and 16th of May 2004.

The Website is:

23rd December 2003: Spectres World Premiere

At The 3rd Annual London Science Fiction and Fantasy Film Festival from 29th January - 1st February 2004, Marina's film 'Specres' will get it's world premiere!

The Website is:

And here's the film's Official Website:

21st July 2003: Marina's Movies Update

Marina completed filming Spectres on Sunday 6th July. And was scheduled to leave for Tulsa one week ago (14th) to begin filming 'Walk On Water'.

Here are some extracts from a transcript of an on-line chat on 8th July on her website:
"I should also add that Michael Dorn is in my next movie which is called 'Walk on Water' and again I play the mother of a teenage son...its getting a little scary."

"A normal day of filming starts with me getting up at 5. Or earlier to be ready to start shooting at 7. In ,'Spectres' I was in almost every scene so the days were long. Some of it was very emotional so I'm still kind of getting over it."

"Both movies are independent features which means they will hopefully make it to the movie theatres. If not, they might end up on cable."

"Independent features tend not to pay a lot. Michael and I have back end deals so if the movie does eventually make some money we will get something."

"I don't have to audition for independent movies, because my name means something."

Source: Gloria's Dedication to Marina Sirtis Thanks so much Gloria for your permission to reproduce this section!

15th July 2003: Marina's Appearance at Shore Leave

This weekend just passed (11th-13th July) Marina appeared at the Shore Leave Convention in Baltimore, Maryland, USA. Karen, a member on Marina's forums was at the convention and posted in the forums all about it. A very remarkable and emotional story...

Source: Shore Leave: My Tale (Thread on Marina's Official Forums)

Keep an eye out on for any photos, reports etc.

14th June 2003: New Film Roles For Marina!

Marina has two film roles lined up. 'Spectre' and 'Walk on Water'!! YAY! Marina spoke of these in the members only part of her website.

'Spectre' is a ghost story where she plays the mother of a daughter, both of which are leading roles.
Marina said this about 'Spectre'; "The story line is that my daughter tries to commit suicide and while she is "dead" (before she gets resuscitated) her body becomes inhabited by another soul who has unfinished business on earth."

The other movie she'll be making is 'Walk on Water'. This is a teen action/adventure film and Marina plays the mother of the lead character.
This is hot news straight from a message from Marina. And great news!  I expect they're both television films.

Source:The Official Marina Sirtis Website And thanks Gloria and Stormy!

15th May 2003: Nemesis DVD Release

Nemesis DVD CoverLucky Americans get the DVD so soon!! The first reviews are online and it seems we're getting almost all that we'd like to be on there. Commentary, 4 Featurettes, Photo Gallery, Trailers and last but not least (in fact most!) are deleted scenes! Yay! They are entitled: "Chateau Picard 2267, The Time Of Conquest, Federation Protocols, A Loss Of Self, Turbolift Violation, Sickbay Prepares for Battle and Advice for the New First Officer." I know 'Turbolift Violation' is a major Troi cut scene.
US: May 20
Germany: June 17
UK: August 4

Source: TrekToday

April 2003: Marina at Page's Bar in London

Marina - Pages Bar - 12th April 2003On Saturday 12th April Marina appeared at Page's Bar, what a coincidence that was my birthday... it's a sign!

Sources: Pages Bar
Steve Rogerson's Web Pages (Lots of Photos here)
More Photos